Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday Favorites

Anddddd we did it! We made it to Friday! I am excited for the weekend full of sleep, friends, and football. This message spoke to my heart this week...

As always, I'm linking up with Andrea, Narci, and Erika to talk about my favorites this week!


All week I've been eating Monique's Healthy Turkey Chili recipe. I talked about it on my Workout Wednesday post. If you missed it, check it out! I'm looking forward to sharing my health journey with y'all! This chili is really satisfying especially considering it's low calorie!

My food blogging pictures are pretty lackluster haha! But it's tasty. I added my beloved jalapeƱos because I love a kick. I'm obsessed with jalapeƱos...look at those lovelies. 

On a less healthy note...I made my favorite strawberry scones the other day. There's something so comforting about curling up with a blanket, a cup of tea, and a warm scone. These will be a thing of the past shortly when I fully kick off my


If you've been reading this blog for more than a couple weeks you know my heart goes pitter patter for a good lipstick. If you need some proof...

I dedicated a whole post to my secret of lipstick wearing. Exfoliating your lips is key to good lipstick application. It can be really expensive but I have a cheap DIY version for you to try out. I usually exfoliate my lips but lately have been slacking. I did for the first time in a few weeks and loved it. My lips felt so smooth. What an awkward picture haha! I just needed to show you proof!

Silkyyyyyy smooth!


I was looking through old photos the other day and came across these shots from my first day of Kindergarten. I can't get over the sass in these pictures...

Am I the only one who feels 'weird' looking back at old photos? I look at these pictures and don't feel like I'm looking at myself. I don't ever remember being that young! I think that it also could be that I don't think I look the same? I don't know.

But I do have to say, I was really cute ;)


If you missed my post Monday, I'm obsessed with wearing all black. Stay tuned for some pictures of me from this weekend wearing lots of black! Speaking of, if you don't follow me on Instagram...that should change ASAP! Click the icon in the righthand bar or follow me at L_breezeeee. 


Hi my name is Lauren and I'm obsessed with Snapchat. I have 0 shame for my obsession. It's sheer entertainment. I went to the mall the other day with my roomie and had to snap myself with how incredibly basic I looked. Workout gear, check. Neon Nikes, check. Aviators, check. Sephora bag, check. Double fisting Starbucks, check. I was cracking up at myself. 

Another shameless social media plug...follow me on Snapchat Lmcgree!

Well y'all, let's hope I can make it a little later tonight than I did on Monday hahaha #thanksroomie

Have a great weekend & GO PANTHERS!!!!! xo

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  1. You're bringing me into the lipstick bandwagon ;) And that's how I look every time I go to the mall! Have a good weekend! Go Panthers!

    1. Girl, I'm looking to come to DC again real soon so you know what that means??? We should go lipstick shopping ;)

  2. I love your kindergarten pictures! I totally understand what you're saying about looking at them as though they are pictures of someone else. Have a great weekend!

    1. It's so strange. I know it's me but it doesn't feel like it's me. So crazy! Have a great weekend, Cat! xo

  3. When Harrison was here he was doing so much of that snap chat. I don't even have a clue what it is. Lol. And seriously GO PANTHERS. I will be devastated if they lose

    1. haha! Snapchat is the best!! They got this girlfriend!!

  4. That lip scrub sounds promising, I'm going to try that this weekend.

    1. It's amazing! I'd love to hear what you think! Have a great weekend, Amy!

  5. Every single time I wear all black, my husband makes fun of me. But I mean, its slimming and always matches. What more could you want?!

    1. Personally, I want nothing more ;) Cheers to wearing all black! xo

  6. Love your kindergarten pic so cute! And those scones looks so good! Have a fun Super Bowl weekend!

  7. That chili recipe seriously looks amazing!!! I will definitely try it out :) And I love following you on Instagram and am now following you on Snapchat!

    I hope you have a great weekend!
    - Seri

    1. It's very yummy! Let me know what you think! I followed you back :) Have a great weekend!

  8. I so badly need to try your DIY lip scrub! My lips have been terrible this winter

    Justine @ Charm City Ciemny's

    1. You should try it!! So easy and it'll make your lips feel amazing!!
