Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Let's talk...

Happy Wednesday, peeps! I hope y'all are having a wonderful week thus far. I'm a little late...oops but today I'm linking up with Andrea and Erika for their new series, Let's Talk! I'm excited to join the link-up. Today we're talking about 2016 and what we plan to accomplish.

I decided to format it that I have 3 overall resolutions with a few measurable goals going with each resolution. Then I'll recap what I'm looking forward to this year! Sound good? Okay, let's go. I'm looking forward to this keeping me accountable. 


1. Overall healthier lifestyle

-I would like to lose 10 pounds and maintain it
-Workout at least 4 times a week
-Dust off that old Fitbit and aim for 10,000 steps at least 5 days a week

Gotta put the time in at the gym!

2. Invest in my relationships

-Facetime more with friends and family
-Put away my phone when I'm with people
-Stay in touch with friends that don't live in Charlotte

My friends and family are my world!

3. Develop my relationship with God

-Read my Bible and Devotional 3 times a week
-Make sure to go to Church at least 3 times a month
-Catch up with Molly's Bible Study

Quiet time and growing closer to the Lord brings me the ultimate peace.

Looking forward...

I'm really looking forward to continuing to do what I love this, spend time with those I love, exploring my new city, cheering on my Tigers...but most importantly I want to continue to grow as a person. I've really focused on embracing and learning about who I am to the core. I'm pushing back those insecurities and doing exactly what makes me happy. I can't wait to see the growth 2016 will bring me!

Well, here's to 2016! See you lovelies back here on Friday! xoxo

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  1. I love that you are so young yet have it so together! Have a great day Lauren !!!

    1. haha hardly! But thanks for your kind words :)

  2. That's what I want to work on too! Being the best version of me with no worries about how other people perceive me. Because at the end of the day, I am the one who has to live with me. ;) That picture of you and your girlfriends from college should be in a brochure haha! You all are so pretty and I love the colors of your dresses. P.S. scroll up to the pic of you as Sandy for Halloween. I have obviously seen that photo before BUT if you glance at the picture really quickly, you and your friend are twins. I did a double take!

    1. Amen sista!!! I seriously am embracing what I love!! Haha I'll take that as a compliment ;) Have a good day!

  3. love these goals and def some i need to do as well! cant wait to keep up with your blog! its super cute! hope you'll drop by mine as well :)

    1. Thanks so much, Caitlin! I'll definitely stop by!

  4. We have similar goals! (Keeping in touch w family and friends and being healthier) also can we be Fitbit friends?!

    1. I'd be honored...if I knew how to do that eek!

    2. I added you based on your email let me know if it works!!

  5. Hi Lauren! Great list of goals with detailed steps and mini-goals. You go girl!

  6. These are great resolutions, and they're actually among the things I'd like to focus on as well! Also, I absolutely love the first picture you posted under your relationships with others section- it's so colorful and fun and the dresses are gorgeous!

    1. Thanks so much!! I'd love to hear how your resolutions go for you as well!

  7. These are so good! I like that they're measurable and not just "I'll do better". Here's to hoping you accomplish everything!!
